Versio Translations (formerly R.K. Translations) was founded in 1991 by Rachel Kremer, a professional and highly-experienced Hebrew translator, and graduate of the Beit Berl English to Hebrew Translation Program.
We offer our clients translation and localization services in a wide range of languages and fields, while specializing in European languages and culture. We operate within local and global markets and provide end-to-end solutions based on our clients’ specific requirements.
Quality, uniformity and punctuality are the cornerstones that guide our work. Uniformity is achieved via state-of-the-art technology (which also helps save our clients money). Translation quality is maintained as a result of our expert selection of translators and meticulous proofreading of each and every project, small or large. We also adhere to strict localization values – adapting local language, culture, grammar and more.
If there is something we are extremely proud of, it is the close relationships we have cultivated with our clients over time. Our clients have come to expect high-quality, precise translations, no-nonsense punctuality, courteous service and a commitment to full non-disclosure in regards to the information and document we receive.